Friday 20 May 2005


Today's post comes direct from the Doggy Desk of our beloved pet, DEE-OH'-GEE, to her new Puppy Friend, ASA ...

My Dear Asa -

Arf! Welcome to the Wonderful World of People!

My People Parents thought I might like to share some of my treats with you. Anything to help you adjust!

So please find enclosed, with my compliments, a couple of Bones (the non-Human variety -- those are so disgusting -- yechhhh!!) that have helped me tremendously in trying to get along with People. These Bones are a special variety of leather hide. With teeth like ours, the layers are easy-peasy to handle (if you know what I mean ... jaw strength rules!!). Enjoy chewing them as a much better alternative to People things, such as ladies knickers, furniture, and shoes. I know there will be times when temptation will hover. But People get really upset if we Canines chew their shoes, because their paws are not like anything we've ever seen! One great Bone benefit both you and your People Parents will enjoy: you will keep Doggy halitosis at BAY. Not only will this help you will feel much better, the People will also enjoy getting into your space more (learn to deal with that).

There are so many things I wish I could impart, but you are already undoubtedly feeling overwhelmed. A small word of advice, though: You will understand the needs and language of your People Parents a lot sooner than they will understand you. Sorry, Pups, but that's a Dog's life. Take it from me, I know. It's been almost 8 years, and my People Parents, God love 'em (and He does!), are still trying to decode and translate every bark, nudge, and look I give them. If you're ever in doubt, just go with what we call the 'hang-dog' look. You'll figure it out soon enough if you haven't already. It's in our Doggy DNA. That look gets 'em everytime!

Enjoy dem bones ... ARF ARF!


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